Release candidate for Net::DNS 1.11

Dear all,

We have a candidate for the upcoming 1.11 release of Net::DNS.

This release contains mostly maintenance work, which involved among other things:

  • A Net::DNS::Resolver class for OS/390 MVS
  • Work on configuration of Net::DNS::Resolver objects:
    • prefer_v4/prefer_v6 is no longer a binary choice. Expressing no preference leaves nameservers in the order stated
    • Parsing and adhering to ndots option
  • A workaround for strict hashpairs with cperl >= 5.27 and
  • Zeroed waiting period with bgbusy()

See also the Changes file.

Please review this candidate carefully. If no issues arise, the actual release will follow Monday the 26th of June 2017.

sha256 ce2a628d77da0d48d0701b9883e52876436494fb09ccd6725c50873463e92873

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