Release candidate for Net::DNS 1.19

Dear all,

We have a candidate for the upcoming fasttrack 1.19 release of Net::DNS.

This release two bugfixes:

  • A bugfix for search() returning a NODATA packet instead of the documented undef in some situations
  • A bugfix to not use global bare file handles when reading the resolver configuration file

This release also contains a new feature to show the structure of EDNS options when printing. For example:


    ;; EDNS version 0
    ;;      flags:  8000
    ;;      rcode:  NOERROR
    ;;      size:   1280
    ;;      option: DAU    => ( 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16 )
    ;;              DHU    => ( 1, 2, 4 )
    ;;              COOKIE => ( CLIENT-COOKIE => 7261776279746573,
    ;;                          SERVER-COOKIE =>  )

See also the Changes file.

Please review this candidate carefully. If no issues arise, the actual release will follow Wednesday the 14th of November 2018.

sha256 1dc29d924f2ca63c7a38eee8c0dfc49b8cfe636ba4838a0c647284a58afdb8d5

Regression test results:

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